Skill Game Forfeitures

Skill Game Forfeitures

In July 2018, Federal law enforcement and the Ohio Casino Control Commission executed a number of search warrants in Stark County. Sixteen individuals and eight businesses were accused of illegal gambling.

Now it appears the Feds are looking to cash in on those raids. The U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio has filed two civil forfeiture complaints, asking $2.9 million in cash, three houses, four vehicles, jewelry, silver bars, two Rolex watches and some other items be forfeited to the government because they are proceeds of criminal activity.

For now, the complaints are on hold. No criminal charges have been filed but it appears there is an ongoing criminal investigation. The Assistant U.S. Attorney has asked for, and received, a stay order on the forfeiture complaints. Court records illustrate a concern by the government that the civil proceedings will jeopardize the criminal probe.